Seek Him… Walk in all His ways… and hold fast to Him…
Seek Him… Walk in all His ways… and hold fast to Him…

A Day Blessed By God: Give Jesus The Firstfruits Of Today.


Do you want God to bless you today?

For me, there isn’t a day that goes by when I couldn’t use a double portion of His blessings in my life. You never know what trials you might face, and it could be His blessing that pulls you through to the other side.

Sometimes, it’s a blessing just to make it through the day. Other times, they are so good you can’t help but praise Him, and you can’t wipe the smile off your face.

His blessings give us hope, joy, and peace. They give us confidence and a resolute spirit that remains steady on Him – our Rock… But how do we make sure we get His blessing each day?

What Happens When You Give God The First Fruits Of Today?

The Bible often tells us that we are to give the first tenth of our profits to God as a tithe… But it’s not just about money. We have many other things that God desires from us – even more than our money… and we’ll get back to that point in just a second.

First, let’s talk about what happens when we give Him the first fruits. What happened when the disciples brought Jesus the five loaves of bread? He blessed them, broke them, and they multiplied them.

After it was placed in the hands of Jesus, what would have only fed a few – was able to feed thousands. The key thing to remember is this: We have to put the little we have in His hands FIRST… before it can be blessed beyond measure.

Because… anything in the hands of Jesus is BLESSED…

“Honor the LORD with all your wealth and from the first of all your produce; So your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine.”

– Proverbs 3:9-10

Today, what we bring to the Lord also multiplies. Whatever we put into His hands is blessed thousands of times over. Five loaves in the hands of our Savior feeds thousands because His blessings are limitless.

So, what happens if we place the first fruits of our day into the hands of Jesus?

His blessings aren’t limited to wealth. In fact, spiritual blessings are much more valuable.

Jesus said, “For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world, and forfeit his own soul?” – Mark 8:36.

If God said it, I think I’ll take His word for it! Spiritual riches are worth far more than worldly wealth! But if my soul is worth so much to God, then how can I offer up the first fruits of my soul to Jesus?

Offering The First Fruits Of Your Soul To Christ – Daily

In the morning, He is with you… But do you recognize His presence?

When you roll out of bed… when the first thought pops into your head:

  • Does your spirit seek Him?
  • What about your heart?
  • What about your mind?
  • Does your attitude reflect the fact that you are being made into Christ’s image?
  • Is Jesus more important to you than the first cup of coffee?
  • Is Jesus more important to you than the day’s worldy work?

If Jesus is our Lord and Savior, then He is Lord of our lives. How should we treat the One who saved our very soul from hell by sacrificing His own life for ours?

How should we honor the One who descended to hell for us to break our chains? How should we pay homage to He who freed us from our sins, who brought us out of Egypt, who delivered us from the hand of our enemies, and is bringing us further into His promised land?

We offer our King the first fruits of every day – and he will bless our days and multiply them!

Place Everything On The Altar Of God Each Morning.

That means everything:

  • Your heart.
  • Your soul.
  • Your mind.
  • Your body.
  • Your attitudes.
  • Your love.
  • Your pain.
  • Your worries.
  • Your labor.
  • Your sadness.
  • Your joy.
  • Your praise.
  • Your needs.
  • Your desires.
  • Your complaints.
  • Your plans.

Place all that you are on the altar of God – and let it rise up as a sweet aroma to Him. You’ll begin to feel His presence stronger in your life…

Because it will no longer be your life – but instead will become His life. And if you are His, then you are an heir to His kingdom – the kingdom of heaven!

Out of the abundance of His grace and mercy, He will bless you. Your measure of faith will increase, and He will multiply your joy, your peace, and all your days!

Because He is GOOD.

Pray with me:

“Jesus, I want Your blessing in my life – but I know it starts with my life becoming YOUR life. Lord, I relinquish all that is me into Your loving hands. I want to offer up the first fruits of all my days to You. You paid the price for me to have this freedom, and I want to offer myself as a living and holy sacrifice to You.

Lord, let me not forget that You are the Answer to all of my troubles. Let me not forget to offer up every part of me to You first. I have faith that You will bless Your servant. I have faith that You will walk closely with me through this life You gave me. And I thank You eternally for the springs of joy that abound from Your love.

In Jesus name, Amen!”